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    LifeinaBox portable insulin and medication fridge.

    发布时间:2022-02-08  阅读:5185次
     LifeinaBox portable insulin and medication fridge.




     LifeinaBox, the world's smallest intelligent fridge, for the safe transport of medication.

     Millions of people worldwide are prisoners of their medication. With LifeinaBox, the world's smallest intelligent fridge, travel anywhere, any time, with your medication at the right temperature.

     Designed for the safe storage of fragile medication at an optimum temperature (2 - 8°C). Keeps your medication cool and at a constant temperature at work, at home or in your car.

     Refrigerates up to 8 standard injectable medicine pens or vials*. Includes both a universal 110-240V power cord and a 12V DC power adapter for your car.

    A 6-hour "emergency" battery is included inside LifeinaBox, and separate plug-in battery packs are available.

     LifeinaBox, the world's smallest intelligent fridge. Millions of people worldwide are prisoners of their medication. With LifeinaBox, the world's smallest intelligent fridge, travel anywhere, any time, with your medication at the right temperature. LifeinaBox is the world’s smallest refrigerator, designed for the safe transport of fragile medications such as insulin or growth hormones. About 5% of the worldwide population are “prisoners” of their medication, because their medication must be maintained at a temperature between 2 and 8°C at all times. To these people, LifeinaBox gives the freedom to travel anywhere, anytime, with the peace of mind of knowing that their life-saving medication is kept at exactly the right temperature. Connected to a Smartphone application, available in iOS and Android, LifeinaBox is an essential tool for the better management of medication schedules, as well as the management of chronic diseases such as diabetes. The Lifeina app not only follows the temperature of the medications in real time. Designed for the safe storage of fragile medication at an optimum temperature (2 - 8°C). Keeps your medication cool and at a constant temperature at work, at home or in your car. Refrigerates up to 8 standard injectable medicine pens or vials*. Includes both a universal 110-240V power cord and a 12V DC power adapter for your car. The Lifeina app will monitor the temperature of your medication and your battery life in real time. A 6-hour "emergency" battery is included inside LifeinaBox, and separate plug-in battery packs are available.

      All the Lifeina products are tested to the strictest international standards. However, temperature control depends on external factors such as ambient temperature, ambient humidity, how many times the product is opened, etc. As such, the responsibility for ensuring that the medication is stored at the correct temperature is solely that of the user and Lifeina cannot be held responsible for any variation in temperature. Always keep your Lifeina product closed unless you need to access your medications. If you are using frozen gel packs, please ensure that your medication is not in direct contact with the frozen gel packs. It is advisable to travel with a copy of your prescription and a letter from your doctor with the details of your medication (including its generic name and the name of the condition for which you are using medication). This will avoid any problems at customs and will be useful if you need medical help while you are away. It may be useful to have the information translated into the language of the country you are visiting. Always seek advice from the airline you are traveling with regarding travel with isothermal medical bags or cooling devices. The equipment and medications shown in the photos are indicative only.

      medical fridge, insulin cooler, medicine cooler, travel medicine, insulin storage, portable fridge, medication fridge, medicine fridge, insulin fridge, insulin cooler travel, portable fridge

     portable fridge


     insulin fridge

     mini fridge

     insulin bag

     2.7 kg

     2.5 kg

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